Friday, March 29, 2013

Our Command (Mandate): LOVE EACH OTHER

This is the service I did on Maundy Thursday, March 28, 2013. I hope you will enjly it. Do comment if you have something to say about it!


As we begin the service, let us center ourselves, dust off our journey, put aside the day's worries, drama and vexations, take a deep breath and reach for the peace that passes understanding. Let us each, in our own way, silently ask for God's blessing and presence in our worship this evening.

Opening Words Teresa of Avila
Teresa was born in Spain in the 1500's. She was a Carmelite nun, mystic, theologian, and reformer. In the 1970's Pope Paul made her a Doctor of the Church. She is one of four women.

Let nothing disturb you nothing frighten you, all things are passing;
Patient endurance attains all things;
one whom God possesses wants nothing
for God alone suffices.

Leader: We gather in remembrance of Jesus' last meal with his followers.
People: We are taking a journey, as his followers did, so long ago.
L: Let us begin this night of love, as Jesus did, with humbleness and cleansing.
P: As we cleanse, and throw off the old garmets, we feel new, refreshed and ready to begin this night of love.
L: On this night of love, Jesus broke bread, and offered wine, in remembrance of him.
P: We remember him as we eat the bread and drink the wine, and we encounter Jesus once again.
L: We have wandered, we are weary, we are thirsty and in need of rest and refreshment.
ALL: Just as our Jewish sisters and brothers celebrate Passover and the journey to freedom, we celebrate our journey of remembering, death and finally, the bright light of new life.

Before we start the reading, let me explain what we are going to do: I will read it through first and pause, then, we will all read it together and pause again. The third time, we will read it together, but in a whisper, and pause one last time before moving on. Each time we pause, think about the words and see if something pops out for you. This is a very old method of immersing ourselves in scripture.

Reading: Gospel of John 13:34-35 (NCV)
I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.”

What does “Maundy” mean? It is taken from the Latin word 'mandatum', which means 'mandate' or 'command'. The reading we just did from John, gives us that mandate or command: to love each other. This is Jesus' last teaching, and practically the last words he speaks. I believe, this is his most profound and powerful teaching. It forms the heart of Jesus' mission. Three simple words, love – each - other.

Earlier in Jesus' mission, he said,'love your neighbor'. Again, three simple words. But, as before, they pack a punch. Who do you define as your neighbor? You mean, that Moslem family that lives down the street? Or what about those two guys who live next door? Wait a minute, do you mean those people who's skin color is different from mine? Oh, not those 'illegals'? How about that smelly lady who sits on the corner downtown and sings all day? Well, no way are you going to get me to love those Democrats (or Republicans). Uh huh, I do mean all of “those” people. We are commanded to love them. And don't tell me, “Oh we love the person, but we hate the sin.” No, that's not love. It certainly is not the unconditional love that we are blessed with from God. THAT is the love that Jesus was talking about.

When you truly and deeply love someone, whether it's a friend, a lover, a spouse, your parent, you come to respect them. From respect flows justice. This week in Washington, we've heard a lot about marriage equality and this fits in with what we are talking about here. God is quite concerned about justice. Taking care of “the least of these” is what Jesus talked about. When we love someone, we are concerned about their well-being. So, if they are homeless, jobless or hungry, that is of concern to us. If they are sick, either bodily or mentally, we want to take care of them. After all, we love them. Love is a profoundly important word. If we call ourselves Christians or Jesus followers, we have a mandate to love not only each other, but also, the rest of the world.

Ubi CaritasWhere true charity and love abide, God is there.
To be sung 3 times.
U-bi ca-ri-tas et a-mor.
U-bi ca-ri-tas De-us i-bi est.

Psalm 116 (from the St. Helena Psalter), read by Rev. Jim Morgan
I will lift up the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of God.
I will you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call upon your holy Name.
In the courts of God's house, in the midst of you, O Jerusalem.

This is obviously not the traditional “Lord's Prayer”. It may be a bit awkward at first to say it, but let it sit for awhile, come back to it and see how it resonates with you.

Prayer of Jesus translated from Aramaic by Neil Douglas-Klotz
O thou from whom comes the breath of life,
which is present in all realms of vibration and light
Let thy light/sound be experienced in my own 'holy of holies'.
Let your ideals and counsel rule.
Let your desire be, in the universe, so in all forms.
Give us understanding and support for our needs from day to day.
Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others mistakes.
Do not let surface things delude us,
But free us from what holds us back from our true purpose.
To you belongs the ruling will, the life and power to do,
the song which beautifies all,
from age to age it renews. Amen

Silent Prayer of Contrition

Assurance of Forgiveness
We have tossed off the old and put on new garments. God has forgiven us and shows us mercy and love.
Instructions for communion
This communion table is open to everyone. We will begin with passing the unleavened bread (matzoh) around, then the wine and grape juice. You will serve each other. As you serve the bread, say, “Take, to remember Jesus.”; and then the juice or wine, “Drink, to remember Jesus.”

Communion: 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 (taken from NLT)
Let us read together-
On the night when he was betrayed, Jesus took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and said,“This is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me.” In the same way, he took the cup of wine after supper, saying,“This cup is the new covenant between God and the people. Do this to remember me as often as you drink it.”

Prayer for bread: “God, dedicate this bread to your people.”
Prayer for juice & wine: “God, dedicate this wine & juice to your people.”

passing around of communion

Let us pray.
God of justice and compassion, in remembrance of your mighty acts in Jesus, we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving. Pour out your Holy Spirit on us, these received gifts of bread and wine and the food to follow. Make them be for us the embodiment of your love, mercy and forgiveness. And by your Spirit, make us one with you, make us one with Jesus, as we go in ministry to all the world, spreading your love and peace until your realm has come and all of your children will feast together. Amen