Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lenten Practice

For Lent this year I am praying for various groups of people or individuals. I started out by praying for individuals who I know, then moving on to groups that I know, such as my children. I have prayed for those who lost lives and were wounded  in the school shootings in Chadron, Ohio.  That in itself could take up the entire Lenten Season. But I moved on to praying for those affected by the tornados, having lost their homes, loved ones, life as they knew it. I feel it is important to put things INTO myself during Lent, instead of taking them out or giving something up. I did that one year - gave up chocolate, which for me, is an entire food group. It was horrible! I didn't know then that I could have HAD chocolate on Sundays because supposedly you can take Sunday off. It was a very hard Lenten Season. My kids were young then and around me more often. They checked up on me (dang!!), so I had to be diligent. I managed to pretty much avoid chocolate for 40 days and 40 nights until Easter Sunday. Then, my children's Easter baskets were not safe! Little did they know.......That is one reason I don't give things up. I guess I feel as if I have given enough up over the years, so want to put something back IN. My soul hungers for honest food....well, yes it still hungers for chocolate, but I feel called to offer myself up for greater things. Such as praying for people who are in need,. I like the Celtic way of "watching" during Lent. I am watching for people or places that need some prayers. What are you doing for Lent?


  1. This Lent, I am looking into myself for "hidden" feelings that I can help to untangle or help to heal..........or on the bright side, feelings that I can use to heal others or brighten up their lives. I do this through music, most of the time, but I also am trying to look at myself honestly and figure out why I do things the way I do them! Does that make sense???

  2. Oh absolutely! All of us have those hidden things that need to see the light of day and Lent is a good time to do that. It is a time to to really look at oneself to choose something to work on. One really cannot work on "everything" that needs transforming. But remember that Jesus told us to love others as we love ourselves, so that means you need to change things as needed, but don't be hard on yourself. That is not what is needed. Music is such a wonderful way to heal not only yourself, but others. Bringing music to others is a terrific way to open up to others' pain and heal our own. I hope you have a terrific Lenten experience!!
