Friday, March 23, 2012

Revival 2012 - Day 2

What a day! Started out with contemplative matins (morning) service. Lovely way to start a day - any day. Communion service also this morning. Good bread! Lots of singing, praying and wonderful homily. Once lunch was over, the afternoon was launched. The President of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship was up first. I got the shock of my life. He very highly praised the work I had done to get the Revival organized and obtain speakers. He alluded to issues that had come up during the early planning process and how I had worked to resolve them. Wow! Didn't know I had done all that! Then I got up to introduce our speaker for the afternoon, Margaret Starbird. I had been so excited to meet her and hear her speak, because she has had such an influence on my quest to find out who Jesus was. She talked about Mary Magdalene and Jesus and how she discovered that part of the story had been left out of Christianity. It was the Feminine force that was missing. Mary Magdalene, as Jesus' wife, soul mate and foremost apostle, was the embodiment of that startling (for some, not me) discovery. We saw art from the Renaissance period, that showed the heresy of the Grail. That heresy is that Jesus was married, and that Mary Magdalene was the one who carried on his work, not Peter or Paul. The art was not only beautiful, but showed red x's in the paintings. This was the sign of the heresy in many well known pieces. Instead of the +, which was the sign of the Roman church, but of the x, which was the sign of the heresy. The totally unique part of the presentation was at the end, when she introduced some of the things that I plan to talk about extensively at my workshop tomorrow on the Symbols of the Feminine Divine. Ms. Starbird has written 7 books, all of which I own.  In the evening we had a baptism and healing service. It was very moving. There were 5 people who were baptised. and many people went up for anointment and prayer to be healed. I was one of them. More tomorrow, the last day of the Revival.