Thursday, March 22, 2012

Revival 2012 - Day 1

It was just half a day today, but packed a punch. First we had a workshop on contemplative prayer. This is something that I do, though not on a regular basis. The meditative part has always been the most appealing aspect of this practice for me, but something I have always found difficult to do on my own. A major insight during this workshop for me, was that I get the most out of it when I do it in a group setting. So I am going to find a group that practices contemplative prayer near me.
The second thing that really hit me was when the Rev. Mary Katherine Morn commented at the opening service this evening on the theme of our Revival, which is honoring the Feminine in Christianity. When she first heard it, she thought, "How 20th century!" Then events took over and now she thinks it's a fantastic topic! More tomorrow.

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